Our standards
Please see a list of our standards below. Find our Safe Staffing data here.
Accessible Information Standard
The Accessible Information Standard tells organisations how they should make sure that disabled service users, carers and parents receive information in formats that they can understand and how to ensure they receive the appropriate level of support to help them to communicate.
A shorter overview of the standard can be found here.
Who will benefit from standard?
Service users, carers and parents who have information and/or communication support needs which are related to a disability, impairment or sensory loss.
This means if you have a disability or a communication need, information like appointment letters will be provided to meet your individual needs rather than being provided in standard print. Also, if you have communication impairment such as a dual sensory loss or if you are deafblind and need an interpreter for a health or social care appointment, this must be provided for you.
Who needs to follow the standard?
All NHS and publicly funded social care organisations which include hospitals, GPs, social care services, pharmacies and others.
What do I need to do?
If you have an information or communication need, the next time you contact your health or social care provider highlight your needs and ask them to record this within your clinical health record. To help highlight your needs fill out this template created by sense.org.uk and send it to your provider.
Downloads and links
Find out how the Accessible Information Standard will improve your care and experience:
The Accessible Information Standard Update July 2015 is available in the following formats:
Our website complies with the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C’s) accessibility strandard.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. The CQC makes sure that we provide high standards of care and treatment and that we look after the interests of people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act.
The CQC monitors our performance by visiting our sites, carrying out patient surveys and by collecting and analysing information about our performance. The findings are published in a report on the CQC's website so everyone can see them.
To get to the heart of people's experiences of care and support, the focus of inspections is on the quality and safety of services, based on the things that matter to people. Therefore five key questions are asked about the service.
To help inspection teams direct the focus of their inspections, they use a standard set of 'key lines of enquiry' (KLOEs) and prompts. KLOEs help them to form a judgement about the quality of the service, determine a rating for each of the five key questions, and where relevant, produce an overall rating for the service. Ratings are an important part of the inspection process and use a four-point scale: outstanding, good, requires improvement, or inadequate.
GMMH Gender Pay Gap Report
In line with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations 2017), Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has undertaken gender pay gap reporting on the snapshot date of 31 March 2017.
Gender pay reporting is different to equal pay – equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work or equal value. It is unlawful to not pay equal pay because of gender.
The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in a workforce. If a workforce has a particularly high gender pay gap, this can indicate there may be a number of issues to deal with, and the individual calculations may help to identify those issues.
The Trust must publish six calculations showing:
- The average gender pay gap as a mean average
- The average gender pay gap as a median average
- The average bonus gender pay gap as a mean average
- The average bonus gender pay gap as a median average
- The proportion of males receiving a bonus payment and the proportion of females receiving a bonus payment
- The proportion of males and females in each quartile pay band
The Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Gender Pay Gap Reports can be found below.
Year | Report |
2019 | Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 |
2018 | Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 |
Please note, in the report provided the information used to consider `Bonus Pay’ relates to Clinical Excellence Award Payments for Consultants. Clinical Excellence Awards recognise NHS consultants who perform ‘over and above’ the standard expected of their role. Awards are given for quality and excellence, acknowledging exceptional personal contributions.
Trust Policies
Customer Care Policy |
Inclusive Communication & Interpretation Policy |
Volunteering Policy | HR03 Involving Volunteers in the work of the Trust [pdf] 878KB |
Disciplinary Policy |
Staff Friends and Family Test
How was your work today?
The Staff Friends and Family Test is a programme that reports the views of thousands of employees in the NHS.
The test runs three times a year and aims to provide a snapshot of what staff think about where they work.
Our staff are asked two questions:
- How likely are you to recommend Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) to friends and family if they needed care or treatment?
- How likely are you to recommend Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to friends and family as a place to work?
In the latest Staff Friends and Family Test, which ran in June 2016, the Trust received its best ever results. 81% of staff said they would recommend GMW (as the Trust was then known) as a place to receive care and 73% of staff said they would recommend us as a place to work.
The proportions of staff not recommending GMW as a place to be treated or as a place to work are now at their lowest levels too – 5% and 12% respectively.
Since we began the Staff Friends and Family Test our scores have continued to improve. They indicate overall increases of 9% in those recommending GMW as a place to receive care and 11% in those recommending GMW as a place to work.
Months during which the survey is conducted |
Staff recommending us as a place to receive care |
Staff recommending us as a place to work |
April-June 2016 | 81% | 73% |
January-March 2016 | 81% | 71% |
July-September 2015 | 75% | 66% |
April-June 2015 | 76% | 65% |
January-March 2015 | 70% | 61% |
July-September 2014 | 69% | 60% |
April-June 2014 | 72% | 62% |
The Staff Friends and Family Test isn't run between October-December, as this when the more detailed national NHS staff survey takes place.
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) is the new way that the NHS looks at learning from patient safety incidents. It has replaced the Serious Incident Framework (SIF, 2015) and represents a significant shift in the way the NHS responds to patient safety incidents.
Learn more about PSIRF here.