Research News

Meet Alison Dawber, the Mental Health Nursing Research Unit’s newly seconded Mental Health Research Nurse

In this first-person interview, Alison tells us about her experience as a mental health nurse, her new role at the Mental Health Nursing Research Unit (MHNRU) and her advice to other nurses who want t...

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International Clinical Trials Day

International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world on or near 20 May each year to commemorate the day that James Lind started his famous trial on the deadly disease, scurvy.......

UK CRIS - Service User Involvement Opportunity

The Trust are considering membership of UK CRIS which provides access to de-identified service user data to researchers and clinicians in order to.......

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International Trials Day - Stratastem

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive and irreversible disease in which patients show gradual impairment of cognition that.......

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