Library Services
Welcome to Greater Manchester Mental Health Library and Knowledge Services.
Our aim is to help all staff, learners and service users make best use of our services and enable them to find the right knowledge and evidence to achieve excellent healthcare and health improvement.
Library and Knowledge Services include:
- Search our library catalogue for books, reports, journals and multimedia resources
- Enquiry service
- Literature Searching services
- Training on literature searching via MS Teams tailored to your needs
- Tailored Bulletins on recent evidence
- Access to electronic resources including e-books and journals
- Access to books from other libraries
- Study Space and Access to PCs
- Searching the evidence base using the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub
- WI-FI access for personal devices
- Library inductions delivered online
- Fully illustrated guides for practical clinical skills procedures at
Library and Knowledge Service Quality Standards
GMMH Library and Knowledge Services work to continuously uphold the following quality standards:
Enquiries: Respond to all enquiries within 1 working day.
Literature Searches: All searches delivered within a maximum of 15 working days.
Inter-library Loans and Document Supply: Items requested through our document supply service will be delivered within 2 weeks.
Has using the Library & Knowledge Service had an impact on your work? Please share it with us here
Request a literature search
Request a literature search
You can request a literature search by filling in the request form below. Return this to
One of our specialist librarians will conduct the search on your behalf and will provide you with a summary and report on articles matching your search question.
Literature Search Request Form
If you would like to carry out a search yourself, we can provide training. Visit our Training and Outreach Librarian pages to find out more.
Order an article
Order an article
If we do not have a book or journal that you require, we can usually obtain it from another library for you.
We are part of a number of library networks that allow us to request items for our users.
If you would like to request a book or journal article, please complete the request form below and return it to
Book and Article Request form March 2021.docx
When you are searching the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub you will see that some references have a link below them saying 'Request this item'. If you click on it, you can then put your personal details in the form that appears, and send an e-mail request to the Library Service for that reference.
Book a training session
Book a training session
To request an information skills training session for you or your team, contact the library team on