Psychosexual services

Psychosexual Therapy Service is a city wide service offering specialist assessment and treatment for all forms of sexual dysfunctions working with both physical and psychological factors.

Specialist treatments are provided for:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature or other ejaculatory disorders
  • Orgasmic difficulties
  • Vaginismus and dyspareunia (pain at the commencement of, during or after intercourse)
  • Problems of libido (reduced or excessive sex drive/interest
  • Sexual arousal problems
  • Specific sexual fears or phobias
  • Relationship difficulties where (i) these co-exist with a predominantly sexual problem, and (ii) the relationship is good enough to sustain psychological treatment for the sexual problem


Referral Criteria

  • Clients must meet one of the above categories of sexual dysfunction
  • Clients must be aged 16 years or over (no upper age limit)
  • Individuals or couples must be sufficiently motivated to attend therapy sessions regularly
  • The service is unable to see 'urgent' referrals
  • The service is unable to accept self-referrals
  • The psychosexual service is unable to provide long-term care or support for clients 



Service Specific Exclusion Criteria:

  • Clients whose sexual difficulties or behaviour have brought, or are at risk of bringing, them into conflict with the law
  • Clients with advanced sexual/other addictions (pornography/drugs/alcohol)
  • Clients whose sexual difficulty is attributable to a physical/medical condition, e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, and where there is no significant psychological component; in such instances, the sexual problems will be assessed but clients may be transferred back, with advice, to their GP or physician
  • Clients who pose high risk of harm to self or others
  • Relationship difficulties not arising as a consequence of a specific sexual problem
  • Couples where recent or current infidelity is a factor
  • The psychosexual service no longer provides assessment of clients prior to referral to gender identity clinics (GICs). For further information on GICs and support for transgender clients please refer to the LGBT Foundation webpage.


The psychosexual service can offer specialist training for staff and clinical students undertaking training in psychosexual medicine.

Useful Guides

Tackling pain and difficulty with penetrative sex

Tackling pain and difficulty with penetrative sex

Tackling pain and difficulty with penetrative sex

We aim to share with you a little of what we know about the problem and what works in helping resolve it.

Learn More

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust