Changes to Mental Health Services in Wigan

The NHS can seem like a very complicated organisation with several moving parts, but one thing everyone who is a part of it shares is a common wish – to put the people who rely on us at the heart of everything we do.
It is with this in mind that we want to let you know that Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation will take over running mental health services across the Wigan borough from 1 April 2021. These services are currently run by North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
What does this mean for you?
If you or someone you care for is currently receiving support from mental health services run by North West Boroughs Healthcare, please be assured that nothing will change immediately. You will see the same staff, go to the same places, and receive the same service. Our intention is to make this transition as smooth as possible so that your care is not disrupted, so please do not worry.
To ensure continuity of care, healthcare records held by North West Boroughs Healthcare will securely transfer to Greater Manchester Mental Health in line and will remain secure and confidential, in line with Greater Manchester Mental Health’s privacy policy, which is available on online:
Why is this happening?
To make the most efficient use of precious NHS resources, North West Boroughs Healthcare services are transferring to Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, as most services cover Cheshire and Merseyside communities. However, because Wigan is part of Greater Manchester, it makes sense for a local mental health trust to take over the running of mental health services for Wigan. It also means mental health services will be closely aligned with other healthcare services in the borough which will help join up mental health and physical health services for you.
Who is Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust?
Greater Manchester Mental Health is the main provider of mental heath and substance misuse services across Greater Manchester. It provides both inpatient and community services as well as specialist services across the North West of England and beyond. Greater Manchester Mental Health is one of only three trusts in the country to have a specialist mental health unit for deaf people. It also provides services across several prisons and custodial settings.