Statements and Declarations

As an NHS Foundation Trust, we are sometimes required by our regulators and commissioners to publish public statements and declarations on our performance and adherence to government policy.

You will find here our most recent declarations and responses to key issues.

Flu Self-Assessment Briefing

Please click here to view the Trust's Assurance Paper for Healthcare Worker Flu Vaccinations. 


Bribery Act 2010 and Anti-Bribery Strategy

The NHS takes bribery very seriously. It is a crime and Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust does not, and will not, pay bribes or offer improper inducements to anyone for any purpose. Nor do we accept bribes or improper inducements. This applies to everyone who works for us or with us, including third parties who carry out work on our behalf.

On 1 July 2011 the Bribery Act 2010 came into force, reforming the criminal law of bribery and corruption making it easier to taclke these offences proactively.

GMMH is commited to the prevention, deterrence and detection of bribery just as we are to combatting fraud in the NHS. As an organisation we have a zero-tolerance attitude towards bribery and we aim to maintain anti-bribery compliance as "business as usual", rather than a one of exercise.

To read our full bribery statement, please click here.

Choice and Medication

Choice and Medication is an external website with GMMH Pharmacy Information for service users, carers and professionals alike.

Associated information: Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust uses GMMMG Formulary

Compliance with the NHS Provider Licence

NHS Foundation Trusts are required to self-certify on an annual basis whether or not they have complied with the conditions of the NHS Provider Licence and related obligations, have the required resources available if providing Commissioner Requested Services and have complied with required governance arrangements.

In May 2023, the Board of Directors reviewed the conditions of the NHS Provider Licence and was not able to confirm compliance with Condition G6, Systems for compliance with licence conditions and qualified the Continuity of Service Condition 7 – Availability of Resources. The Board of Directors’ review took into account a number of sources of assurance including the Trust’s system of internal control and feedback from the Trust’s internal auditors.

A signed self-certification of compliance with the NHS Provider Licence and related obligations is available here: Provider Licence - Annual Self Certification 2023.pdf

Delivering Same Sex Accommodation

Every patient has the right to receive high quality care that is safe, effective and respects their privacy and dignity. Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing every patient with same sex accommodation to safeguard their privacy and dignity when they are often at their most vulnerable.

Delivering Same Sex Acommodation

Download Document Delivering Same Sex Accommodation
Supporting Document Delivering Same Sex Accomodation Leaflet 


Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network

The AHSN accreditation process will entail licensing for an initial 5 years by NHS England. The Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network (GM AHSN) has been accredited to provide this service across the whole of the Greater Manchester and East Cheshire footprint.

Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network

Download Document Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network


Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement

As a Trust, we are committed to ensuring that no modern slavery or human trafficking takes place in any part of our business or our supply chain. In accordance with the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015), our Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement sets out the actions taken by the Trust to understand all potential modern slavery risks and to implement effective systems and controls. 

Supplier Code of Conduct

GMW procures goods and services on behalf of Trust clients and service users whilst upholding both value for money and ethical values. The Trust are fully aware of the responsibility it bears toward its customers, employees and the communities which it serves. 

Supplier Code of Conduct

Download Document Supplier Code of Conduct


As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust