Disclosure Log

FOI Disclosure Log February 2020

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI Requests Released February 2020
FOI Response D9507 - Job Planning.pdf [pdf] 292KB 03.02.2020 Job Planning N/A N/A
FOI Response D9528 Learning Disabilities Nurses.pdf [pdf] 302KB 03.02.2020 LD Nurses N/A N/A
FOI Response D9509 - Carbon Reduction Strategy.pdf [pdf] 694KB 04.02.2020 Carbon Reduction Strategy N/A N/A
FOI Response D9506 Immigration Health Surcharge.pdf [pdf] 287KB 04.02.2020 Immigration Health Surcharge N/A N/A
FOI Response D9535 Unlawful detentions under MHA.pdf [pdf] 580KB 04.02.2020 Unlawful detentions under MHA N/A N/A
FOI Response D9539 HPV Fogging and UVC.pdf [pdf] 289KB 04.02.2020 HPV fogging and UVC N/A N/A
FOI Response D9538 Missed Appointments.pdf [pdf] 302KB   04.02.2020 Missed Appointments FOI D9538 - Missed Appointments 2017-2019.xlsx [xlsx] 36KB N/A
FOI Response D9520 Simulation Training.pdf [pdf] 211KB 05.02.2020 Simulation Training N/A N/A
FOI Response D9504 in house staff bank and agencies.pdf [pdf] 288KB 05.02.2020 In house staff bank FOI D9504 Medical Agency spend.xlsx [xlsx] 23KB N/A
FOI Response D9525 Mandatory and Statutory Training.pdf [pdf] 304KB 06.02.2020 Mandatory and statutory training N/A N/A
FOI Response D9521 ECT.pdf [pdf] 366KB 10.02.2020 ECT N/A N/A
FOI Response D9543 Fertility and Surrogacy.pdf [pdf] 287KB 10.02.2020 Fertility and Surrogacy N/A N/A
FOI Response D9540 Royal College Reports.pdf [pdf] 287KB 11.02.2020 Royal College Reporting N/A N/A
FOI Response D9545 Iron Infusion.pdf [pdf] 287KB 11.02.2020 Iron Infusion N/A N/A
FOI Response D9555 Echocardiographers.pdf [pdf] 287KB 11.02.2020 Echocardiographers N/A N/A
FOI Response D9558 Structure Charts for Mental Health Services.pdf [pdf] 288KB 12.02.2020 Structure Charts N/A N/A
FOI Response D9559 Structure Charts for Mental Health Services.pdf [pdf] 288KB 12.02.2020 Structure Charts N/A N/A
FOI Response D9547 Learning Disabilities Nurses RNLD.pdf [pdf] 287KB 12.02.2020 RNLD N/A N/A
FOI Response D9552 Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatments.pdf [pdf] 288KB 12.02.2020 ECT Treatments N/A N/A
FOI Response D9562 Paediatric Dental Waiting Times.pdf [pdf] 287KB Paediatric Dental Waiting Times Paediatric Dental N/A N/A
FOI Response D9527 BAME Groups.pdf [pdf] 372KB 12.02.2020 BAME Groups N/A N/A
FOI Response D9541 C-Arm Equipment.pdf [pdf] 288KB 13.02.2020 C-Arm Equipment N/A N/A
FOI Response D9529 ECT Machine Service Maintenance.pdf [pdf] 287KB 13.02.2020 ECT Machine Service Maintenance N/A N/A
FOI Response D9532 Psychologist and Psychiatrist Vacancies.pdf [pdf] 288KB 13.02.2020 Psychologist and Psychiatrist Vacancies N/A N/A
FOI Response D9530 Agency Spend.pdf [pdf] 288KB 13.02.2020 Agency Spend N/A N/A
FOI Response D9523 Eating Disorder Services.pdf [pdf] 292KB 24.02.2020 Eating Disorder Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9544 Health Records.pdf [pdf] 213KB 24.02.2020 Health Records N/A N/A
FOI Response D9553 Structure Charts.pdf [pdf] 288KB 24.02.2020 Structure Charts N/A N/A
FOI Response D9554 Structure Charts.pdf [pdf] 289KB 24.02.2020 Structure Charts N/A N/A
FOI Response D9531 Nurse Agency Spend.pdf [pdf] 663KB 24.02.2020 Agency Spend N/A N/A
FOI Response D9565 Vehicle Incidents on Prestwich Site.pdf [pdf] 300KB 25.02.2020 Vehicle Incicents N/A N/A
FOI Response D9574 International Recruitment.pdf [pdf] 290KB 25.02.2020 International Recruitment N/A N/A
FOI Response D9566 Ulcerative colitis.pdf [pdf] 357KB 25.02.2020 Ulcerative Colitis N/A N/A
FOI Response D9536 Electronic Patient Record.pdf [pdf] 292KB 25.02.2020 EPR N/A N/A
FOI Response D9575 Translation Services.pdf [pdf] 289KB 26.02.2020 Translation Services N/A N/A
FOI Response D9572 Pain Management Waiting Times.pdf [pdf] 286KB 26.02.2020 Pain Management Waiting Times N/A N/A
FOI Response D9573 Organisational Structure Chart.pdf [pdf] 286KB 26.02.2020 Organisational Structure Chart N/A N/A
FOI Response D9537 WAN Contract.pdf [pdf] 288KB 26.02.2020 WAN Contract  N/A N/A
FOI Response D9550 Autistic Spectrum Disorder.pdf [pdf] 409KB 27.02.2020 Autistic Spectrum Disorder N/A N/A
FOI Response D9563 Clinical Insourcing.pdf [pdf] 288KB 27.02.2020 Clinical Insourcing N/A N/A
FOI Response D9570 Clinical Waste Management.pdf [pdf] 346KB 27.02.2020 Clinical Waste Management N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log February 2020…

FOI Disclosure Log January 2020

FOI  Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI Requests Released in January 2020
FOI Response D9473 Non Admission Due to Lack of Beds.pdf [pdf] 213KB 06.06.2020 Non Admission Due to Lack of Beds N/A N/A
FOI Response Enterprise Resource Planning Software Solution.pdf [pdf] 444KB 06.01.2020 Enterprise Resource Planning Software Solution N/A N/A
FOI Response Homeless Discharges.pdf [pdf] 287KB 07.01.2020 Homeless Discharges N/A N/A
FOI Response LGBT and Equality Trianing.pdf[pdf] 287KB 07.01.2020 LGBT and Equality Training N/A N/A
FOI Response HR processing of staff.pdf [pdf] 213KB 07.01.2020 HR Processing of Staff N/A N/A
FOI Response Managing Violence and Aggression.pdf [pdf] 288KB 09.01.2020 Managing Violence and Aggression N/A N/A
FOI Response DSR Agreements National Grid.pdf [pdf] 288KB 09.01.2020 DSR Agreements National Grid N/A N/A
FOI Response Subject Access Requests.pdf [pdf] 290KB 15.01.2020 Subject Access Requests N/A N/A
FOI Response A&E Foreign Objects.pdf [pdf] 287KB 15.01.2020 A&E Foreign Objects N/A N/A
FOI Response Telephony System.pdf [pdf] 466KB 16.01.2020 Telephony System N/A N/A
FOI Response Distribution of Condoms.pdf [pdf] 287KB 16.01.2020 Distribution of Condoms N/A N/A
FOI Response Interim Appointments.pdf [pdf] 293KB 17.01.2020 Interim Appointments N/A N/A
FOI Response Exterior Cladding.pdf [pdf] 290KB 17.01.2020 Exterior Cladding N/A N/A
FOI Response Networks and Telephony.pdf[pdf] 304KB 20.01.2020 Networks and Telephony N/A N/A
FOI Response Drug and Alcohol Addiction Referrals.pdf [pdf] 289KB 20.01.2020 Drug and Alcohol Addiction Referrals N/A N/A
FOI Response Mobile Phone Contracts.pdf [pdf] 376KB 20.01.2020 Mobile Phone Contracts N/A N/A
FOI Response Soft Facililties Management Services.pdf [pdf] 302KB 20.01.2020 Soft Facilities Management Services N/A N/A
FOI Response Gambling Addiction.pdf [pdf] 287KB 21.01.2020 Gambling Addiction N/A N/A
 FOI Response Contract Data for Facilities Services.pdf [pdf] 370KB 21.01.2020 Contract Data for Facilities Services N/A N/A
FOI Response Carbon Reduction Strategy.pdf [pdf] 694KB 21.01.2020 Carbon Reduction Strategy N/A N/A
FOI Response IAPT Therapies.pdf[pdf] 383KB 21.01.2020 IAPT Therapies N/A N/A
FOI Response referrals to food banks.pdf [pdf] 287KB 22.01.2020 Food Bank Referral N/A N/A
FOI Response CAMHS Services.pdf [pdf] 288KB 22.01.2020 CAMHS Services N/A N/A
FOI Response Consultant Radiologists.pdf [pdf] 286KB


Consultant Radiologists N/A N/A
FOI Response Eating Disorder Services.pdf [pdf] 377KB 23.01.2020 Eating Disorder Services N/A N/A
FOI Response Carbon Footprint.pdf [pdf] 370KB 23.01.2020 Carbon Footprint N/A N/A
FOI Response Person responsible of electronic and paper records.pdf [pdf] 286KB 28.01.2020 Responsible Person of Electronic and Paper Records N/A N/A
FOI Response LOLER contracts.pdf [pdf] 289KB 28.01.2020 LOLER Contracts N/A N/A
FOI Response Venous Thromboembolism Protocol.pdf [pdf] 383KB 29.01.2020 Venous Thromboembolism N/A N/A
FOI Response Surplus Medical Devices.pdf [pdf] 287KB 29.01.2020 Surplus Medical Devices N/A N/A
FOI Response Deaths related to eating disorders.pdf [pdf] 364KB 29.01.2020 Deaths related to eating disorders N/A N/A
FOI Response Physical and Sexual Violence.pdf[pdf] 288KB 29.01.2020 Physical and Sexual Violence N/A N/A
FOI Response Bed Cost.pdf[pdf] 288KB 30.01.2020 Bed Cost N/A N/A
FOI Response Smoking and Inpatient Services.pdf [pdf] 288KB 30.01.2020 Smoking and Inpatient Services N/A N/A
FOI Response Declaring OPEL.pdf [pdf] 286KB 30.01.2020 Declaring OPEL N/A N/A
FOI Response Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting.pdf [pdf] 290KB 30.01.2020 Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log January 2020…

FOI Disclosure Log December 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Addtional Attachements Cost
FOI Requests Released in December 2019
D9438 - Clincal Trial Results Reporting.pdf [pdf] 206KB 05/12/2019 Clinical Trial Results Reporting N/A N/A
D9440 - Agency Hours and Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 150KB 05/12/2019 Agency Hours and Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9435 - IT Service Management.pdf [pdf] 146KB 05/12/2019 IT Service Management N/A N/A
D9448 - Mobile Phone Contracts.pdf [pdf] 193KB 05/12/2019 Mobile Phone Contracts N/A N/A
D9452 - CAMHS Out of Area Placements.pdf [pdf] 154KB 05/12/2019 CAMHS Out of Area Placements N/A N/A
D9453 - Director Contact Details.pdf [pdf] 147KB 05/12/2019 Director Contact Details N/A N/A
D9454 - Data Protection Officer.pdf [pdf] 144KB 05/12/2019 Data Protection Officer N/A N/A
D9456 - Eating Disorder Services.pdf[pdf] 149KB 05/12/2019 Eating Disorder Services N/A N/A
D9461 - STP and Collaborative Bank.pdf [pdf] 146KB 05/12/2019 STP and Collaborative Bank N/A N/A
D9462 - Master Vendor Provider.pdf [pdf] 145KB 05/12/2019 Master Vendor Provider N/A N/A
D9463 - Insourcing Clinical Services.pdf [pdf] 166KB 05/12/2019 Insourcing Clinical Services N/A N/A
D9450 - EPR and IT.pdf [pdf] 193KB 06/12/2019 EPR and IT N/A N/A
D9466 - Use of Staff Personal Devices.pdf [pdf] 145KB 06/12/2019 Use of Staff Personal Devices N/A N/A
D9469 - Vitamin K Dosing.pdf [pdf] 185KB 06/12/2019 Vitamin K Dosing N/A N/A
D9465 - Concerns re Doctors under Maintaining High Professional Standards (MHPS).pdf [pdf] 192KB 10/12/2019 Concerns re Doctors under MHPS N/A N/A
FOI Response Cost inpatient beds - Bolton.pdf [pdf] 308KB 10/12/2019 Cost Inpatient Beds - Bolton N/A N/A
FOI Response Addiction in Prisons.pdf [pdf] 765KB 12/12/2019 Addiction in Prisons N/A N/A
FOI Response Section 117 Aftercare.pdf [pdf] 309KB 12/12/2019 Section 17 Aftercare N/A N/A
FOI Response HPV Fogging and UVC.pdf [pdf] 384KB 12/12/2019 HPV Fogging and UVC

Bunzel Clorox Total 360 Info Sheet (002).pdf [pdf] 6MB

Fogging Efficacy Data Summary Report - Total 360 Disinfectant Clean.._ (002).pdf [pdf] 136KB

FOI Response Windows 10.pdf [pdf] 306KB 16/12/2019 Windows 10 N/A N/A
FOI Response sexual assults-incidents.pdf [pdf] 307KB 18/12/2019 Sexual Assults-Incidents N/A N/A
FOI Response Hand Hygiene.pdf [pdf] 353KB 20/12/2019 Hand Hygiene N/A N/A
FOI Response Services for Cancer Patients.pdf [pdf] 310KB 20/12/2019 Services for Cancer Patients N/A N/A
FOI Response Liaison Psychiatry Referral Policy.pdf [pdf] 331KB 20/12/2019 Liaison Psychiatry Referral Policy

GMMH MHLS Standard Operating Procedure for Manchester and Trafford.pdf [pdf] 1MB

GMMH MHLS Standard Operating Procedure for Salford.pdf [pdf] 2MB

FOI Response Suicides.pdf [pdf] 313KB 20/12/2019 Suicides N/A N/A
FOI Response Rostering-Scheduling.pdf [pdf] 310KB 20/12/2019 Rostering Scheduling N/A N/A
FOI Response Maternity Care Appointments.pdf[pdf] 308KB 20/12/2019 Maternity Care Appointments N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log December 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log November 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Addtional Attachments Cost
FOI Requests released in November 2019
D9401 - HR and Finance Structure and Non-Clinical Agency Spend 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 188KB 05/11/2019 HR and Finance Structure and Non-Clinical Agency Spend 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9403 - Budget and Spend on Patient Meals 2015-19.pdf [pdf] 163KB 05/11/2019 Budget and Spend on Patient Meals 2015-19 N/A N/A
D9407 - Bank and Agency Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 201KB 05/11/2019 Bank and Agency Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
  D9409 - Vending Machines 2015-19.pdf [pdf] 148KB 05/11/2019 Vending Machines 2015-19 N/A N/A
D9412 - Transactions over £25k Sep 2019.pdf [pdf] 178KB 05/11/2019 Transactions over £25K Sept 2019 N/A N/A
D9404 - Clozapine Training.pdf [pdf] 175KB 07/11/2019 Clozapine Training N/A N/A
D9414 - IR35 and NHSI Cap Compliance.pdf [pdf] 147KB 07/11/2019 IR35 and NHSI Cap Compliance N/A N/A
D9417 - Dieticians Uniforms.pdf [pdf] 144KB 07/11/2019 Dieticians Uniforms N/A N/A
D9421 - Independent Sector Mental Health Provision.pdf [pdf] 197KB 07/11/2019 Independent Sector Mental Health Provision N/A N/A
D9416 - Salford SMS Referrals and Re-presentation 2013-19.pdf [pdf] 145KB 11/11/2019 Salford SMS Referrals and Re-Presentation 2013-19 N/A N/A
D9413 - Staff Compensation Payments 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 147KB 13/11/2019 Staff Compensation Payments 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9415 - Telephony VOIP contract.pdf [pdf] 153KB 13/11/2019 Telephony VOIP Contract N/A N/A
D9420 - Voting for Service Users.pdf [pdf] 144KB 13/11/2019 Voting for Service Users N/A N/A
D9422 - Public Health Funerals.pdf [pdf] 145KB 13/11/2019 Public Health Funerals N/A N/A
D9418 - Restrictions Based on Smoking Status.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14/11/2019 Restrictions Based on Smoking Status N/A N/A
D9424 - Physical Assaults 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 213KB 14/11/2019 Physical Assaults 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9426 - Business Analysts.pdf [pdf] 146KB 14/11/2019 Business Analysts N/A N/A
D9428 - Estates Subcontractors.pdf [pdf] 147KB 14/11/2019 Estates Subcontractors N/A N/A
D9431 - Fatigue and Facilities Charter.pdf [pdf] 144KB 14/11/2019 Fatigue and Facilities Charter N/A N/A
D9433 - Endoscopy Equipment Maintenance.pdf [pdf] 145KB 14/11/2019 Endoscopy Equipment and Maintenance N/A N/A
D9445 - Cancer Nurses.pdf [pdf] 148KB 14/11/2019 Cancer Nurses N/A N/A
D9437 - Telecare Monitoring.pdf [pdf] 240KB 15/11/2019 Telecare Monitoring N/A N/A
D9451 - BME Deaf Service Users.pdf [pdf] 144KB 15/11/2019 BME Deaf Service Users N/A N/A
D9423 - Pharmacy Services.pdf [pdf] 206KB 22/11/2019 Pharmacy Services N/A N/A
D9425 - BAME Service Users in Trafford 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 174KB 22/11/2019 BAME Service Users In Trafford 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9427 - Transactions over £25,000 Oct16 and Mar17.pdf [pdf] 179KB 22/11/2019 Transactions over £25k Oct 16 and March 17 N/A N/A
D9429 - Violence Towards Staff 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 154KB 25/11/2019 Violence Towards Staff 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9430 - Drug and Alcohol-Related Addiction Referrals 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 25/11/2019 Drug and Alcohol Related Addiction Referrals 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9432 - Court Intervention for Critically Ill Child.pdf [pdf] 178KB 25/11/2019 Court Intervention for Critically ill Child N/A N/A
D9434 - Incidents re Sexual Assault and Harrassment 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 203KB 25/11/2019 Incidents re Sexual Assault and Harrassment 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9439 - Lone Worker Devices.pdf [pdf] 148KB 25/11/2019 Lone Worker Devices N/A N/A
D9441 - Incidents by Category 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 158KB 25/11/2019 Incidents by Category 2016-19    
D9442 - Temporary Nurse Spend and International Recruitment 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 25/11/2019 Temporary Nurse Spend and International Recruitment 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9443 - Wearable Devices.pdf [pdf] 235KB 25/11/2019 Wearable Devices  N/A N/A
D9444 - Non Clinical Temporary Staffing.pdf [pdf] 164KB 25/11/2019 Non Clinical Temporary Staffing N/A N/A
D9446 - Order Communications and Integrated Care Pathway.pdf [pdf] 184KB 25/11/2019 Order Communcations and Integrated Care Pathway N/A N/A
D9447 - Electronic Patient Record and Portal.pdf [pdf] 186KB 25/11/2019 Electronic Patient Record and Portal N/A N/A
D9449 - Clinical Decision Support Systems.pdf [pdf] 190KB 25/11/2019 Clinical Decision Support Systems N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log November 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log October 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in October 2019
D9406 - Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention Policies.pdf [pdf] 144KB 28.10.19 Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention Policies FOI D9406 Self Harm Policy.pdf [pdf] 491KB FOI D9406 Suicide Prevention Strategy.pdf [pdf] 968KB N/A
D9392 Transport Dispatch System.pdf [pdf] 707KB 23.10.19 Transport Dispatch System N/A N/A
D9390 - IT Service Management.pdf [pdf] 195KB 18.10.19 IT Service Management N/A N/A
D9393 - Security Managment Staff.pdf [pdf] 150KB 18.10.19 Security Management Staff N/A N/A
D9396 - Break Glass Nursing Agency Spend.pdf [pdf] 152KB 18.10.19 Break Glass Nursing Agency Spend N/A N/A
D9397 - Medical Consultants List.pdf [pdf] 146KB 18.10.19 Medical Consultants List N/A N/A
D9402 - Social Enterprises.pdf [pdf] 158KB 18.10.19 Social Enterprises N/A N/A
D9410 - Patient Transport Services.pdf [pdf] 143KB 18.10.19 Patient Transport Services FOI F9410 Transportation Survey.pdf[pdf] 110KB N/A
D9391 - Finance Costs re Brexit Guidance.pdf [pdf] 182KB 17.10.19 Finance Costs re Brexit Guidance N/A N/A
D9394 - Referrals and Admissions for Older People Services 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 144KB 17.10.19 Referrals and Adminssions for Older People Services 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9398 - Staff Bank, Agency and Workforce Spend 2016-19.pdf [pdf] 150KB 17.10.19 Staff Bank, Agency and Workforce Spend 2016-19 N/A N/A
D9408 - Ransomware Attacks.pdf [pdf] 145KB 17.10.19 Ransomware Attacks N/A N/A
D9386 - Psychiatric Decision Units.pdf [pdf] 230KB 16.10.19 Psychiatric Decision Units N/A N/A
D9399 - IT Services.pdf [pdf] 181KB 16.10.19 IT Services N/A N/A
D9400 - Pagers.pdf [pdf] 143KB 16.10.19 Pagers N/A N/A
D9388 - Clinical Systems.pdf [pdf] 0bytes 14.10.19 Clinical Systems N/A N/A
D9395 - Deaths due to Malnutrition.pdf [pdf] 143KB  14.10.19 Deaths due to Malnutrition N/A N/A
D9381 - Clinical System Integration.pdf [pdf] 175KB 10.10.19 Clinical System Integration N/A N/A
D9382 - Brexit Related Planning.pdf [pdf] 150KB 10.10.19 Brexit Related Planning N/A N/A
D9384 - Service Users with Dementia Detained on a Section 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 166KB 10.10.19 Service Users with Dementia Detained on a Section 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9262-2 - Prisoners Prescribed Medication for Mental Health Issues.pdf [pdf] 143KB 10.10.19 Prisoners Prescribed Medication for Mental Health Issues N/A N/A
D9389 - CAMHS and OCD Treatment.pdf [pdf] 144KB 10.10.19 CAMHS and OCD Treatment N/A N/A
D9367 - ECT.pdf [pdf] 166KB 04.10.19 ECT N/A N/A
D9368 - ECT.pdf [pdf] 161KB 04.10.19 ECT N/A N/A
D9372 - Patient Communications.pdf[pdf] 169KB 04.10.19 Patient Communications N/A N/A
D9379 - Community Services.pdf [pdf] 185KB 04.10.19 Community Services N/A N/A
D9380 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR) System.pdf [pdf] 166KB 04.10.19 Electronic Patient Record (EPR) N/A N/A
D9366 - Employee Health and Well-being Programmes.pdf [pdf] 142KB 02.10.19 Employee Health and Well-being Programmes FOI D9366 spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 162KB N/A
D9369 - Robotic Process Automation.pdf [pdf] 146KB 02.10.19 Robotic Process Automation N/A N/A
D9374 - Food Wastage.pdf [pdf] 145KB 02.10.19 Food Wastage N/A N/A
D9375 - Laboratories.pdf [pdf] 181KB 02.10.19 Laboratories N/A N/A
D9377 - Asylum Seekers.pdf [pdf] 145KB 02.10.19 Asylum Seekers N/A N/A
D9383 - Out of Area Placements 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 151KB   02.10.19 Out of Area Placements 2017-19 N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log October 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log September 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in September 2019
D9353 - Registered Nurse Shifts Filled with Healthcare Assistants.pdf [pdf] 185KB 23.09.19 Registered Nurse Shiftsd Filled with Heathcare Assistants N/A N/A
D9354 - Frontline Mental Health Staff Vacancies 2013-19.pdf [pdf] 184KB 23.09.19 Frontline Mental Health Staff Vacancies 2013-19 N/A N/A
D9359 - Pension Fund Contributions.pdf [pdf] 145KB 23.09.19 Pension Fund Contributions N/A N/A
D9373 - Letters from Chief Executive re Brexit.pdf [pdf] 177KB 23.09.19 Letters from Chief Executive re Brexit N/A N/A
D9385 - International Recruitment.pdf [pdf] 144KB 23.09.19 International Recruitment N/A N/A
D9387 - Abortions.pdf [pdf] 143KB 23.09.19 Abortions N/A N/A
D9350 - CAMHS Inpatient Services.pdf [pdf] 161KB 17.09.19 CAMHS Inpatient Services FOI D9350 CAMHS Inpatient Services.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB N/A
D9356 - External Consultants 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 151KB 17.09.19 External Consultants 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9360 - Consultant Led Teams.pdf [pdf] 190KB 17.09.19 Consultant Led Teams FOI D9360 Q3 CurrentTeamList.pdf [pdf] 88KB N/A
D9361 - Interpreter Spend 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 145KB 17.09.19 Interpreter Spend 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9363 - Modern Slavery in Supply Chains.pdf [pdf] 196KB 17.09.19 Modern Slavery in Supply Chains N/A N/A
D9365 - Clincal Coding for Neurological Disorders.pdf [pdf] 151KB 17.09.19 Clinical Coding for Neurological Disorders N/A N/A
D9376 - SIRO, DPO and Caldicott Guardian.pdf [pdf] 145KB 17.09.19 SIRO, DPO and Caldicott Guardian N/A N/A
D9378 - Non Clinical Temporary Staffing.pdf [pdf] 187KB 17.09.19 Non Clinical Temporary Staffing N/A N/A
D9352 - Transactions over £25k Jul15-Mar17.pdf [pdf] 177KB 16.09.19 Transactions over £25k Jul15-Mar17 N/A N/A
D9347 - Percentage of Adults Affected by Mental Health.pdf[pdf] 147KB 13.09.19 Percentage of Adults Affected by Mental Health N/A N/A
D9355 - Referral to Treatment (RTT) Reporting.pdf [pdf] 143KB 13.09.19 Referral to Treatment (RTT) Reporting N/A N/A
D9358 - Inductions of Labour.pdf [pdf] 180KB 13.09.19 Inductions of Labour N/A N/A
D9362 - MFD Printing.pdf [pdf] 154KB 13.09.19 MFD Printing N/A N/A
D9364 - Inductions of Labour.pdf [pdf] 145KB 13.09.19  Inductions of Labour N/A N/A
D9346 - Domestic Violence and Abuse, Bolton Services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 11.09.19 Domestic Violence and Abuse Bolton Services  N/A N/A
D9349 - Digitisation of Health Records.pdf [pdf] 189KB 11.09.19 Digitisation of Health Records N/A N/A
D9342 - Agency Nursing Costs 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 147KB 05.09.19 Agency Nursing Costs 2018-19 FOI D9342 Agency Spend by supplier 1819.pdf [pdf] 65KB N/A
D9357 - Management Structure.pdf [pdf] 145KB 05.09.19 Management Structure FOI D9357 GMMH Organisational Chart July 2019.pdf [pdf] 420KB N/A
D9343 - ICT Contracts.pdf [pdf] 205KB 04.09.19 ICT Contracts FOI D9343 spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 99KB N/A
D9351 - Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Services.pdf[pdf] 180KB 04.09.19 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Services N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log September 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log August 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in August 2019
D9332 - Digital Dictation, EMPA and Voice Recording Software.pdf [pdf] 189KB 30.08.19 Digital Dictation, EPMA and Voice Recording Software N/A N/A
D9327 - Complaints about Staff 2010-19.pdf [pdf] 156KB 29.08.19 Complaints about Staff 2010-19 N/A N/A
D9334 - Incidents re Mixed Sex Wards and Areas 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 156KB 29.08.19 Incidents re Mixed Sex Wards and Areas 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9335 - CAMHS and IAPT referral criteria.pdf [pdf] 146KB 29.08.19 CAMHS and IAPT referral criteria FOI D9335 IAPT service inclusion criteria - division wide v1.1.pdf [pdf] 181KB N/A
D9339 - Rostering Software.pdf [pdf] 147KB 29.08.19 Rostering Software N/A N/A
D9344 - Private Patients.pdf [pdf] 144KB 29.08.19 Private Patients N/A N/A
D9348 - Legal Spend for Inquests.pdf [pdf] 148KB 29.08.19 Legal Spend for Inquests N/A N/A
D9325 - Medical Devices.pdf [pdf] 151KB 27.08.19 Medical Devices  N/A N/A
D9326 - BMI for Eating Disorder Service Users.pdf [pdf] 183KB 27.08.19 BMI for Eating Disorder Service Users N/A N/A
D9328 - Staff Disciplined for Inappropriate Access to Records.pdf [pdf] 147KB 27.08.19 Staff Disciplined for Inappropriate Access to Records N/A N/A
D9324 - Zholia Alemi.pdf [pdf] 146KB 21.08.19 Zholia Alemi N/A N/A
D9316 - CAMHS Referrals 2013-19.pdf [pdf] 224KB 19.08.19 CAMHS Referrals 2013-19 N/A N/A
D9318 - Assaults in Inpatient Facilities 1990-2019.pdf [pdf] 148KB 19.08.19 Assaults in Inpatient Facilities FOI D9318 spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx] 34KB N/A
D9320 - Staffing Levels 1999-2019.pdf[pdf] 146KB 19.08.19 Staffing Levels 1999-2019 N/A N/A
D9330 - Trust Policies re Advocacy under Mental Health Act.pdf [pdf] 186KB 19.08.19 Trust Policies re Advocacy Under Mental Health Act FOI D9330 Being Open Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 Care Programme Approach Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 752KB FOI D9330 Consent to Treatment Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 MHA Hospital Managers Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 830KB FOI D9330 MCA & DoLS Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 Section 17 (Leave of Absence) Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 797KB FOI D9330 Patient Rights Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 830KB FOI D9330 SU & Carer Engagement Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9330 Customer Care Policy 2017.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9333 - Structured English Language Reference (SELR) and Medical Training Initiative (MTI).pdf [pdf] 144KB 19.08.19 Structured English Language Reference (SELR) and Medical Training Initiative (MTI) N/A N/A
D9336 - Director of Estates and Facilities.pdf [pdf] 142KB 19.08.19 Director of Estates and Facilities N/A N/A
D9337 - Operating Theatres.pdf [pdf] 190KB 19.08.19 Operating Theatres N/A N/A
D9338 - Executive Directors.pdf [pdf] 146KB 19.08.19 Executive Directors N/A N/A
D9340 - Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration.pdf [pdf] 145KB 19.08.19 Clinically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration N/A N/A
D9341 - Bank and Agency Spend 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 19.08.19 Bank and Agency Spend 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9308 - IT Department Strategy and Structure.pdf [pdf] 145KB 09.08.19 IT Department, Strategy and Structure GMMH IMT Structure Jul19.pdf [pdf] 78KB N/A
D9314 - NHS Charges for Non-EEA Residents.pdf[pdf] 146KB 09.08.19 NHS Charges for Non-EEA Residents N/A N/A
D9322 - Private Patient Income.pdf [pdf] 149KB 09.08.19 Private Patient Income N/A N/A
D9257-2 - Patient Rights Policy.pdf [pdf] 178KB 09.08.19 Patient Rights Policy FOI D957-2 Patient Rights Policy 2019.pdf [pdf] 830KB N/A
D9319 - Learning Management System.pdf [pdf] 150KB 06.08.19 Learning Management System N/A N/A
D9309 - Community Treatment Orders 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 146KB 01.08.19 Community Treatment Orders 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9312 - Domestic Violence and Abuse.pdf [pdf] 143KB 01.08.19 Domestic Violence and Abuse D9312 FOI Questions re DVA spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 160KB N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log August 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log July 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in July 2019
D9305 - Messaging Applications.pdf [pdf] 195KB 31.07.19 Messaging Applications N/A N/A
D9313 - Messaging Applications.pdf [pdf] 144KB 31.07.19 Messaging Applications N/A N/A
D9317 - Self Check In Kiosks.pdf [pdf] 144KB 31.07.19 Self Check In Kiosks N/A N/A
D9323 - Cord Blood Stem Cells.pdf [pdf] 179KB 31.07.19 Cord Blood Stem Cells N/A N/A
D9293 - Occupational Health Provider.pdf [pdf] 201KB 29.07.19 Occupational Health Provider N/A N/A
D9301 - Appointment Reminder and Bank Staff Systems.pdf [pdf] 162KB 29.07.19 Appointment Reminder and Bank Staff Systems N/A N/A
D9307 - Printing Services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 29.07.19 Printing Services N/A N/A
D9310 - Staffing re Brexit.pdf [pdf] 151KB 29.07.19 Staffing re Brexit N/A N/A
D9311 - Reasonable Adjustments for Staff.pdf [pdf] 152KB 29.07.19 Reasonable Adjustments for Staff N/A N/A
D9315 - Agency Spend 2018-19 and Staff Bank.pdf [pdf] 189KB 29.07.19 Agency Spend 2018-19 and Staff Bank N/A N/A
D9285 - Patients Recording Consultations.pdf [pdf] 192KB 25.07.19 Patients Recording Consultations N/A N/A
D9291 - Communications Department.pdf [pdf] 152KB 25.07.19 Communications Department N/A N/A
D9279 - Autism Diagnosis Waiting Times.pdf [pdf] 164KB 23.07.19 Autism Diagnosis Waiting Times N/A N/A
D9300 - Out of Area Rehab Placements.pdf [pdf] 205KB 23.07.19 Out of Area Rehab Placements  N/A N/A
D9304 - Apprenticeships 2017-19.pdf[pdf] 161KB 23.07.19 Apprenticeships 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9306 - Policy for Employees Experiencing Domestic Abuse.pdf[pdf] 194KB 23.07.19 Policy for Employees Experiencing Domestic Abuse FOI D9306 Staff Affected by Domestic Violence Abuse (DVA) Policy.pdf [pdf] 984KB N/A
D9277 - CAMHS waiting list June 2019.pdf [pdf] 148KB 19.07.19 CAMHS Waiting List June 2019 N/A N/A
D9286 - Chaplaincy.pdf [pdf] 143KB 19.07.19 Chaplaincy D9286 Questions.pdf [pdf] 139KB N/A
D9287 - Patients Died Waiting for Appointment 2014-19.pdf [pdf] 145KB 19.07.19 Patients Died Waiting for Appointment 2014-19 N/A N/A
D9290 - Generators.pdf [pdf] 145KB 19.07.19 Generators N/A N/A
D9297 - Locum Doctor Rates 2019.pdf [pdf] 143KB 19.07.19 Locum Doctor Rates 2019 FOI D9297 spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx] 2MB N/A
D9302 - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Deaths 2014-19.pdf[pdf] 143KB 19.07.19 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Deaths 2014-19 FOI D9302 Q3-7.pdf [pdf] 113KB N/A
D9303 - Nursing Staff.pdf [pdf] 188KB 19.07.19 Nursing Staff N/A N/A
D9299 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 155KB 17.07.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A
D9272 - CAMHS Agency Use.pdf [pdf] 146KB 16.07.19 CAMHS Agency Use N/A N/A
D9282 - Trust Contract Register.pdf[pdf] 163KB 16.07.19 Trust Contract Register FOI D9282 Contract Register.pdf [pdf] 120KB N/A
D9288 - Instant Messaging Apps.pdf [pdf] 145KB 16.07.19 Instant Messaging Apps N/A N/A
D9296 - ICS and STP staff bank.pdf [pdf] 142KB 16.07.19 ICS and STP Staff Bank N/A N/A
D9298 - Staff Bank Solution.pdf [pdf] 155KB 16.07.19 Staff Bank Solution N/A N/A
D9278 - Restraints Apr17-Mar18.pdf[pdf] 232KB 15.07.19 Restraints Apr17-Mar18 N/A N/A
D9280 - Robotic Process Automation.pdf[pdf] 204KB 15.07.19 Robotic Process Automation N/A N/A
D9283 - Support to Staff re Mental Health.pdf [pdf] 206KB 15.07.19 Support to Staff re Mental Health N/A N/A
D9284 - Agency and Bank Staff 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 143KB 15.07.19 Agency and Bank Staff 2018-19 D9284 FOI Agency Bank 1819 spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx] 15KB N/A
D9289 - Video Conferencing.pdf [pdf] 144KB 15.07.19 Video Conferencing N/A N/A
D9292 - Psychological Therapies offered for Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder with Waiting Lists.pdf [pdf] 175KB 15.07.19 Psychological Therapies Offered for Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder N/A N/A
D9294 - Overseas Visitors.pdf [pdf] 178KB 15.07.19 Overseas Visitors N/A N/A
D9295 - Cost to Feed Inpatient.pdf [pdf] 187KB 15.07.19 Cost to Feed Inpatients N/A N/A
D9258 - Mental Health Services Accessed by Polish People.pdf [pdf] 198KB 11.07.19 Mental Health Services Accessed by Polish People FOI D9258 Business Planning Framework (2019-20).pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9258 Workforce and Organisational Development Strategy 2018-2021.pdf [pdf] 8MB N/A
D9276 - Paper Records and Analogue Dictation.pdf [pdf] 143KB 11.07.19 Paper Records and Analogue Dictation N/A N/A
D9259 - Zholia Alemi.pdf [pdf] 222KB 08.07.19 Zholia Alemi N/A N/A
D9263 - Reducing Single Use Plastics.pdf [pdf] 174KB 05.07.19 Reducing Single Use Plastics N/A N/A
D9264 - Non Disclosure Agreements.pdf [pdf] 177KB 04.07.19 Non Disclosure Agreements N/A N/A
D9265 - Employment Tribunal Cases.pdf [pdf] 143KB 04.07.19 Employment Tribunal Cases N/A N/A
D9273 HCPC Practitioner Psychologists.pdf [pdf] 144KB 04.07.19 HCPC Practitioner Psychologists N/A N/A
D9275 - Estates Strategy Document.pdf [pdf] 172KB 04.07.19 Estates Strategy Document FOI D9275 ESTATE STRATEGY 2011-2016 FEBRUARY 2011.pdf [pdf] 3MB N/A
D9281 - £25K spend January 2018.pdf [pdf] 144KB 04.07.19 Transactions over £25,000 Jan2018 N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log July 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log June 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in June 2019
D9247 - Patient Homicides.pdf [pdf] 175KB 28.06.19 Patient Homicides N/A N/A
D9271 - Telephone Maintenence Contract.pdf [pdf] 183KB 28.06.19 Telephone Maintenance Contract N/A N/A
D9261 GMMH managed hospitals.pdf [pdf] 147KB 27.06.19 GMMH managed hospitals N/A N/A
D9268 Clinical Divisions Structure.pdf [pdf] 174KB 27.06.19 Clinical Divisions Structure FOI D9268 Medical Leadership Structure - March 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB FOI D9268 Operations Directorate Structure - V12 - June 2019.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A
D9270 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 27.06.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A
D9253 Stop Smoking Services.pdf [pdf] 186KB 25.06.19 Stop Smoking Services FOI D9253 GMMH Smoke Free Policy V1.pdf[pdf] 1MB N/A
D9254 - Adult Eating Disorder Services.pdf [pdf] 148KB 25.06.19 Adult Eating Disorder Services FOI D9254 - Inclusion criteria.pdf [pdf] 21KB N/A
D9262 - Prison Prescribing.pdf [pdf] 141KB 25.06.19 Prison Prescribing N/A N/A
D9269 - Specialist Stroke Unit.pdf [pdf] 140KB 25.06.19 Specialist Stroke Unit N/A N/A
D9274 - Community Equipment Service.pdf [pdf] 181KB 25.06.19 Community Equipment Service N/A N/A
D9238 - International Recruitment Budget.pdf [pdf] 144KB 24.06.19 International Recruitment Budget N/A N/A
D9243 - Operating Budget.pdf [pdf] 151KB 24.06.19 Operating Budget FOI D9243 GMMH Performance Board Report March 2019.pdf [pdf] 2MB N/A
D9256 - Vacant Land.pdf [pdf] 132KB 20.06.19 Vacant Land N/A N/A
D9236 - Bank and Agency Spend.pdf [pdf] 161KB 19.06.19 Bank and Agency Spend Admin/Clerical  N/A N/A
D9251 Contracts Register.pdf [pdf] 180KB 19.06.19 Contract Register FOI D9251 Contract Register spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 80KB N/A
D9252 - Spend over £25k.pdf [pdf] 174KB 19.06.19 Spend over £25,000 N/A N/A
D9260 - Leadership Roles.pdf [pdf] 223KB 19.06.19 Leadership Roles N/A N/A
D9245 - Prevent Referrals.pdf [pdf] 187KB 18.06.19 Prevent Referrals N/A N/A
D9228 - IT Infrastructure.pdf [pdf] 132KB 17.06.19 IT Infrastructure FOI D9228 IT infrastructure spreadsheet.pdf [pdf] 160KB N/A
D9230 - Legal Representation Spend for Inquests.pdf [pdf] 149KB 17.06.19 Legal Representation Spend for Inquests N/A N/A
D9233 - Counter Fraud Staff.pdf [pdf] 143KB 17.06.19 Counter Fraud Staff N/A N/A
D9246 - Interpreting Services.pdf [pdf] 144KB 17.06.19 Interpreting Services N/A N/A
D9248 - Medical Devices.pdf [pdf] 180KB 17.06.19 Medical Devices N/A N/A
D9249 - Body Dysmorphia.pdf [pdf] 132KB 17.06.19 Body Dysmorphia N/A N/A
D9250 - Overseas Visitors.pdf [pdf] 141KB 17.06.19 Overseas Visitors N/A N/A
D9229 - Healthcare Security Management.pdf [pdf] 143KB 13.06.19 Healthcare Security Management N/A N/A
D9227 - Mental Health Act Section 3 2014-18.pdf [pdf] 152KB 13.06.19 Mental Health Act Section 3 2014-18 N/A N/A
D9231 - Cleaning Methods.pdf [pdf] 152KB 13.06.19 Cleaning Methods N/A N/A
D9241 - Estates Assets and Strategy.pdf [pdf] 166KB 13.06.19 Estates Assets and Strategy N/A N/A
D9255 - Web Filtering Solution.pdf [pdf] 158KB 13.06.19 Web Filtering Solution N/A N/A
D9257 - Mental Health Act 1983.pdf [pdf] 183KB 13.06.19 Mental Health Act 1983 N/A N/A
D9219 - IAPT Performance Targets.pdf [pdf] 191KB 10.06.19 IAPT Performance Targets N/A N/A
D9221 - Internet Sex Addiction.pdf [pdf] 181KB 10.06.19 Internet Sex Addiction N/A N/A
D9235 - Car Parking Management.pdf [pdf] 184KB 10.06.19 Car Parking Management D9235 Car Parking Spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB N/A
D9237 - IAPT Couples Therapy.pdf [pdf] 183KB 10.06.19 IAPT Couples Therapy N/A N/A
D9239 - CCTV Maintenance and Support Contract.pdf [pdf] 188KB 10.06.19 CCTV Maintenance and Support Contract N/A N/A
D9240 - Glaucoma Treatment.pdf [pdf] 158KB 10.06.19 Glaucoma Treatment N/A N/A
D9242 - NHS Pension Scheme.pdf [pdf] 179KB 10.06.19 NHS Pension Scheme N/A N/A
D9244 - Appointment Cancellations 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 149KB 10.06.19 Appointment Cancellations 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9224 - Telephone Maintenance Contract.pdf [pdf] 226KB 05.06.19 Telephone Maintenance Contract N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log June 2019…

FOI Disclosure Log May 2019

FOI Date Released Information Released Additional Attachments Cost
FOI requests released in May 2019
D9212 - Edenfield.pdf [pdf] 149KB 30.05.19 Edenfield N/A N/A
D9218 - Child Referrals for PTSD 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 146KB 30.05.19 Child Referrals for PTSD 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9220 - Agency and Bank Staff Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 193KB 30.05.19 Agency and Bank Staff Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9222 - Direct Engagement Contract.pdf [pdf] 150KB 30.05.19 Direct Engagement Contract N/A N/A
D9234 - ReSPECT Form.pdf [pdf] 145KB 30.05.19 ReSPECT Form N/A N/A
D9201 - Pipeline of Public Sector Construction Projects.pdf [pdf] 186KB 28.05.19 Pipeline of Public Sector Construction Projects N/A N/A
D9223 - Risk Management Policies.pdf [pdf] 142KB 28.05.19 Risk Management Policies FOI D9223 - Clinical Risk Policy.pdf [pdf] 934KB FOI D9223 - Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy.pdf [pdf] 1MB N/A
D9198 - Non-Disclosure Agreements.pdf [pdf] 187KB 24.05.19 Non-Disclosure Agreements N/A N/A
D9217 - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.pdf [pdf] 146KB 24.05.19  Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder N/A N/A
D9226 - Mobile Provider Contract.pdf [pdf] 145KB 24.05.19 Mobile Provider Contract N/A N/A
D9232 - Surgical Mesh.pdf [pdf] 143KB 24.05.19 Surgical Mesh N/A N/A
D9209 - Neuro-Rehabilitation Services.pdf [pdf] 151KB 22.05.19 Neuro-Rehabilitation Services N/A N/A
D9213 - Hospital Charging Regulations.pdf [pdf] 144KB 22.05.19 Hospital Charging Regulations N/A N/A
D9215 - Use of Coal 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 142KB 22.05.19 Use of Coal 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9216 - Electrical Supplier Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 153KB 22.05.19 Electrical Supplier Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9225 - Radiology and Ultrasound Equipment.pdf [pdf] 151KB 22.05.19 Radiology and Ultrasound Equipment N/A N/A
D9199 - IESO contract.pdf [pdf] 200KB 17.05.19 IESO Contract N/A N/A
D9202 - Framework Contracts re Building and Construction Works.pdf [pdf] 183KB 17.05.19 Framework Contracts Re Building and Construction Works N/A N/A
D9205 - CAMHS Referrals 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 251KB 17.05.19 CAMHS Referrals 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9206 - Apprenticeship Funds May17-Apr19.pdf [pdf] 146KB 17.05.19 Apprenticeship Funds May17-Apr19 N/A N/A
D9208 - Flexible Working Policies.pdf [pdf] 220KB 17.05.19 Flexible Working Policies FOI D9208 - GMW Flexible Working Policy.pdf [pdf] 537KB FOI D9208 - MMHSC Flexible Working Options Policy 14-17.pdf [pdf] 787KB N/A
D9210 - Exec Director Contact Details.pdf [pdf] 143KB 17.05.19 Executive Director Contact Details N/A N/A
D9211 - Exec Director Contact Details.pdf [pdf] 142KB 17.05.19 Executive Director Contact Details N/A N/A
D9214 - Home Births.pdf [pdf] 143KB 17.05.19 Home Births N/A N/A
D9192 - Private Ambulance Services 2017-19.pdf [pdf] 202KB 15.05.19 Private Ambulance Services 2017-19 N/A N/A
D9187 - Translating and Interpreting Costs and Contracts.pdf [pdf] 164KB 08.05.19 Translating and Interpreting Costs and Contracts N/A N/A
D9204 - Complaints involving Weight 2016-18.pdf [pdf] 146KB 08.05.19 Complaints Involving Weight 2016-18 N/A N/A
D9195 - Clinical Insourcing Spend 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 187KB 01.05.19 Clinical Insourcing Spend 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9196 - LGBTQ+ Mental Health Services.pdf [pdf] 182KB


LGBTQ+ Mental Health Services N/A N/A
D9200 - FOI Requests 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 143KB 01.05.19 FOI Requests 2018-19 N/A N/A
D9203 - Radiology and Ultrasound Equipment.pdf [pdf] 145KB 01.05.19 Radiology and Ultrasound Equipment N/A N/A


Read FOI Disclosure Log May 2019…
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