Updates about changes to services and prescriptions

You will have noticed we have changed the way you get your prescribed medication at the moment – this is to help you stay safe.

  • Most people who already take home their medication will get a one-week supply.  
  • Most people who are on supervised consumption will move to unsupervised and will get a one-week take-home supply.   
  • We will review your current situation, including your health and accommodation, and decide on the best option that will mean you can stay as safe as possible.    
  • You should already be aware of these changes but if you haven’t heard from your keyworker or our service please give your service a call. 
  • If you can't collect your medication or you are worried about it, please contact us and we will try to make arrangements to get your medicine to you. 

We know that this is different to what you are used to and you might be feeling anxious, worried or confused. It’s OK to feel like that. We’re here to help, please just give your service a call.

Important advice for people taking medication home

  • It is very important you take only the dose you are prescribed for each day. Please measure your dose carefully. Your pharmacist can provide you with a dose cup. Don’t take more than you should as there is a risk you may overdose.
  • Don’t share your medication. If someone you know needs help, please tell them to get in touch with their service. We will help them get the necessary support as quickly as possible.
  • Always keep your medication secure in the bottle with the child-proof cap. Lock it away in your lockable box – if you do not have one of these please let us know and we will provide you with one. Keep your medication in a high place, out of reach of other people, especially children. Do not keep it in easy-to-access places like the fridge.
  • Think about who you need to tell about your medication, so you can keep yourself and anyone at home safe.

Please ring and talk to us if you have any concerns at all. We are here to help you stay safe.

Safe storage

It’s really important that you store your medication safely. It could cause serious harm or even be fatal if someone else takes it, especially children. If you don’t have a lockable storage box please let us know and we will provide you with one

What is naloxone?

Naloxone is a drug that can reverse the effects of opioids, such as heroin, methadone, opium, codeine, morphine and buprenorphine. Naloxone can even save someone’s life if it's used quickly after they have overdosed on opioids.

Medical professionals have been using naloxone in emergencies for many years. We want to make sure that anyone who needs it has it to hand and knows how to use it.

Naloxone is an emergency medication that can reverse the effects of an overdose. It works on methadone and buprenorphine. Some of our services can give you nasal naloxone spray, especially if you’re worried about having children at home.

Please let us know if you don’t have a naloxone kit at home, or yours is damaged or out of date. You can read about naloxone and how to use it here.

As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust