Local Carer Groups

Book on our free Health and Wellbeing for Carers Course run through the GMMH Recovery Academy


Bolton Groups

Asian Carers Forum Provider of advice and information, breaks, pampering sessions and health awareness sessions to meet the needs of Asian carers.

61 Northfield Street, Bolton, BL3 5JH

Tel: 01204 651123
Email: email@aercbolton.co.uk
Web: http://www.aercbolton.co.uk/asian-carers-forum/

Bolton Carers Support

Bolton Carers Support provides information and support to carers, including benefits advice, help accessing courses and workshops for carers, a Carers Emergency Card Scheme, a free quarterly newsletter and information factsheets, plus regular information/outreach points. 

Call the 24/7 helpline on 01204 363056

Thicketford Centre, Thicketford Rd, Bolton, BL2 2LW

Tel: 01204 363 056
Email: info@boltoncarers.org.uk
Web: http://www.boltoncarers.org.uk/


Crossroads Together Crossroads Together is a registered charity dedicated to providing information, advice and practical support to unpaid carers of all ages and the people they care for. The Greater Manchester service is based in Bolton.

Deepdale Community Centre, Deepdale Road, Bolton BL2 6PH

Tel: 01614 459595
Email: gm@crossroadstogether.org.uk
Web: https://www.crossroadstogether.org.uk/

Dementia Support Bolton Dementia Support is run by professional staff, supported by trained volunteers, plus present and former carers. We are here to support everyone in the Bolton area who has been diagnosed with any form of dementia, and anyone who cares for them. We also support carers of people with early-onset dementia. 

Dementia Support, Carers Resource, Thicketford Centre, Bolton, BL2 2LW

Tel: 07704 594 585
Email: infoboltondsg@gmail.com
Web: https://www.boltondementiasupport.org.uk/


Making Space If you provide practical help and/or emotional support to a friend, relative or partner living with a mental health condition, then you are a carer. We are here to support you in your caring role and help give you balance in your life.

Royal Bolton Hospital, Riverton Unit, Bolton, Greater Manchester BL4 0JR

Tel: 01204 390 390
Email: enquiries@makingspace.co.uk
Web: https://makingspace.co.uk/bolton-carer-support


MHIST (Mental Health Independent Support Team) MHIST provides a wide range of self help groups, counselling, befriending and advocacy for mental health service users and carers.

Hanover House, Hanover Street, Bolton BL1 4TG

Tel: 01204 527 200
Email: help@mhist.co.uk
Web: https://mhist.co.uk/

New group supporting younger people (aged under 65) who are living with dementia and those who care for them The Kings Head Pub, Junction Road, Deane Monday from 7 – 9pm. Please ring to confirm attendance and for catering purposes. Bolton Dementia Support: 01204 386696 or email: boltondsg@gmail.com
Rethink Mental Illness Group

The Rethink Mental Illness Manchester Group is a group for people affected by severe mental illness to come together to share information and support with each other.

The group meet every Thursday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.  Please contact the group for a link to the meeting

The group takes place online (via Zoom) and can be accessed by service users and carers across Greater Manchester.

Cross Street Chapel, 29 Cross Street, Manchester M2 1NL

Tel: 07816 754032
Email: rethinkmanchester@gmail.com
Web: https://www.rethink.org/help-in-your-area/support-groups/rethink-mental-illness-manchester-group/


Simeon Counselling Service Simeon Counselling Service offers carers and people suffering mental health difficulties the opportunity to talk through their feelings in a confidential, peaceful and sensitive environment. You can now request appointments directly by calling Silverwellbeing Services on 01204 917745

Victoria Hall, Knowsley Street, Bolton BL1 2AS

Tel: 01204 387363
Email: counselling@simeoncentre.org.uk
Web: http://www.simeoncentre.org.uk/

South Asian Carers Group   Tel: 01204 366347
Welfare Rights Advice line open from 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Tel: 01204 333820
As a patient

As a service user, relative or carer using our services, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice, and support. 

Find resources for carers and service users  Contact the Trust